Basic Issues and advices in distance education

Prof. Dr. Engin Deniz ( Yıldız Teknik Universities (YTÜ) Öğrenci Dekanı) listed the problems encountered in the distance education process as follows:
• Lack of technical equipment such as computers and internet required for distance education
• Incompatibility of curriculum and home life
• Loss of motivation due to lack of classroom interaction
• Lack of motivation brought by the social environment
• Problems with not easily accessing resources or how to use them
• On the other hand, due to the negative psychological effects of the epidemic, not being able to motivate the lessons.
• Problems caused by limited feedback
• Problems in evaluations and exams
• Limitations in certain disciplines, problems in areas requiring practice / application
Advice to students
• Have a private workspace. It should be a quiet, organized and non-distracting working environment.
• Create a goal. Goals will empower you when your motivation drops while learning online.
• Be planned and organized. You should integrate your personal time with your study schedule.
• Don’t hesitate to ask questions whenever you need.
• Master the program you use for online learning. The effect of technical facilities and motivation in distance education has been proven by researches.
• Do not panic when your stress and anxiety increase.
• Do you experience the motivation problem in every lesson or some lessons? You may feel insecure in the lesson where you have motivation problems. You have to find the reason that drives you to this feeling.
• Keep your energy high. Some feel energetic by taking a break with food and drink, some by solving a difficult problem.
• Give yourself awards.

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