Great Places to Work and Study in Istanbul
Istanbul is a great destination for tourists from all across the globe, however, this rich city also offers great spaces for students and nomad workers and as the cafes and restaurants are slowly gaining their popularity back and people are heading outside again, we thought we would share our list with you!
SALT Galata
This building is rich with stories and histories as it is a former bank building now transformed and changed into a hub for academics, students, and the like. SALT Galata is located on the European side of Istanbul in Karaköy.
İDEA Kadıköy
This study and co-working spot offers a pleasant sea view and accommodates students and nomad workers alike. IDEA offers a study area, co-working area (paid), cafe, outdoor seating area, and many other facilities that can be used by students to co-work and study together.
Beyazıt State Library
Beyazıt State Library located in Beyazıt is a renovated place that offers students great historical and majestic atmosphere letting Istanbul’s spirit shine.
Muse Coffee & Botanical (Müz Botanik & Kahve)
The Müz Botanik & Kahve place offers a small space for students to study quietly alongside coffee/tea among the plants whilst watching the busy life in Istanbul pass by.
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