Five Points for How to Write the ”Perfect” Intention Letter: A Free Guide

One of the most popular questions that we are getting from our students is related to the intention letter. How can I write it? Can I have an example of the letter? Can you write it for me? We understand your concerns. Writing the ‘’perfect’’ intention letter might seem like a big chore. However, there is no ‘’perfection’’ when it comes to an intention letter. I’m here today to tell you why.

There is no doubt that an intention letter is a crucial addition to your university application. So, what is an intention letter? An intention letter is a short essay where you have the opportunity to explain your educational and career goals to the admission officers. It is requested by almost every university in Turkey. It will help you stand out among the other candidates with similar characteristics as yours. It is expected from you to write about your academic background, extracurricular activities, and social experiences related to the field you want to apply to. You can also mention your reasons for choosing to study in Turkey and that specific university, and last but not least, your dreams. In other words, you can share any information about yourself which you think will draw the attention of the application committee. Since all the points we have mentioned above are your dreams and wishes and yours only, it shouldn’t be a surprise that finding the “perfect intention letter” example is nearly impossible. Every person is unique in their own way, and an example will not be sufficient for your letter.

Don’t worry! It doesn’t mean that we, as MEDU Family, won’t help with your letter. Our current students will know that we send a “MEDU Intention Letter Guide” along with the required document list for their applications. In that guide, we mention five bullet points on how to write an intention letter. We recommend following these points, but we also don’t want you to feel stuck while talking about your dreams. We review the letters before submitting them to the universities and help our students if any clarification is needed on the letter. So, no need to worry! Writing your intention letter is teamwork, and we would be more than happy to help you with that.

Here are the five bullet points on how to start working on your intention letter:


PART ONE: Introduction

Start your letter by making a short introduction, and mention your reason for writing this letter.


To Whom It May Concern,

My name is_________ (<<< Please add your full name), and I am writing this letter to explain why I would like to study Bachelor/Master of _______ (<<< Please add your preffered program) at ___________ (<<< Please add your prefferred university’s name) University.


PART TWO: Academic Background

In this paragraph, you can explain your academic background. If you are still studying, please mention your grade and your expected graduation date. You can mention your favorite subjects and extracurricular activities. You can also add if you have any awards. If you have any work experience, you can also mention them. This paragraph will give the base of your past and will help the admission officer to see what you have accomplished so far.


PART THREE: Your Dreams

Since you shared your past experiences, now it’s time to talk about the future. Why do you want to study your chosen program? What makes you most excited about this program? What are your career goals? What are you planning on doing after you complete your studies?


PART FOUR: Why Turkey?

Here, you can explain why you want to study in Turkey and why you choose this university. Among all the countries that you can study, why Turkey? What attracts you most about this school and this program? We recommend checking out the website of the university and our portal before starting this section. You will learn more about the university and what they have to offer to their students. After that, we are confident that you will have no trouble explaining this part.

Suppose your chosen university is currently offering scholarships when applying. In that case, we strongly recommend that you explain why you think you would be the right candidate for one.

PART FIVE: Wrapping it up

Before you finish your letter, you can summarize the points mentioned above you have made. A few sentences will be enough for this part.


Your Name/Surname



That’s it, ladies and gentlemen! We hope you will find this guide helpful—no need to worry if you have a hard time writing your letter. You can always ask for our help.

See you on the next one!

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