Istanbul Girl’s Tower, A legendary tower and its fascinating story
Istanbul Girl’s Tower, also known as Kiz Kulesi in Turkish, is located on a small island in the Sea of Marmara. The tower is a remnant of the Byzantine period, located in the Asian part of Istanbul, in the Uskudar region, in the Salajak section of the Istanbul Strait. There are many legends and stories about this tower throughout history. Fascinating legends of deep love between two incredible lovers. If you are interested in hearing the interesting story of Istanbul Girl’s Tower, join us.
Introducing Istanbul Girl’s Tower
Istanbul Girl’s Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Istanbul, a symbol of the city of Istanbul and the most famous historical symbol of Turkey.
The tower fascinates many tourists and immerses them in their dreams. If you are planning to travel to Istanbul, we recommend that you visit this beautiful tower.
The tower is also known as the Square Tower, Linder, and Damalis Towers. To see Istanbul Girl’s Tower, you have to take a boat to get there. In the restaurant, you can sit at the top of the tower and eat, and enjoy the view.
While eating, take a look at Topkapi Palace, Galata, Istanbul Strait, the Sea of Marmara, and Eminönü.
History of the Girl’s Tower
The tower dates back to 24 BC and is 2,500 years old.
The infrastructure and a large part of this castle were built during the reign of Mohammad Fateh. It is not clear when the tower was built.
In the past, the castle was named Lindros and Damalis, and during the Eastern Roman Empire, it was known as Arkla (Little Castle).
When Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) was conquered by the Ottoman army, the Girl’s Tower was demolished and replaced by a wooden building, which was destroyed in 1719 due to a fire. And in 1858 they put a lantern on it.
Over the centuries, the tower has been used for a variety of purposes: a merchant ship tax collection center, a quarantine room, a lighthouse, and a radio station.
Reconstructions of Istanbul Girl’s Tower
The Girl’s Tower was built in ancient times and rebuilt in the centuries of ancient Rome, the Byzantine Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.
The last reconstruction of this tower dates back to 2000, and with the transformation of each period of civilization, it has become the way it is today and you can see in the photos.
Today, the tower is one of the most famous towers and monuments in Turkey and serves as a museum and restaurant with a unique view of tourists. Even the tower is so popular with the people of Istanbul that they choose the Girl’s Tower for their weddings and celebrations.
Legends and stories to be heard from the Girl’s Tower in Istanbul
There are many stories and legends of the Girl’s Tower that have been torn between centuries and centuries. Here are two of them.
The love story of Hiro and Linder
One of the legends about the Istanbul Girl’s Tower is the love story between a girl named Hiro and her mistress Linder.
Hiro makes a vow to stay chaste for the rest of his life, and so he hides in a tower far from everyone. One day, a man named Linder is on a boat passing by the tower, and when he sees Hero, he falls in love with her.
Every night, the man in love goes to the swimming tower to see Hiro in love.
On a stormy night, when Linder heads to the island to see Hiro, the storm turns off the light at the top of the tower, and Linder loses his way and sinks into the waves of the island. Hiro, who could not stand his mistress, threw himself from the top of the tower and he ended his life.
Because of the love of these two people, they build a lighthouse at the top of this tower and call this tower the Girl’s Tower.
The Legend of the Prince and the Snake
The king of Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) had a daughter whom he loved very much. One day a prophet tells her that her daughter will die at the age of 18 from a snake bite.
Because the king loved his daughter very much, he ordered that a tower be built in the Bosphorus area and that the girl be kept at its highest height to avoid snake bites.
Years later, on the girl’s 18th birthday, the king went to her daughter with a bowl full of fruit. When the girl opens the basket of fruit, the snake that was hidden in the fruit bowl bites the girl, and the king’s daughter dies in front of her father’s eyes. That’s why the tower was named after the girl’s tower.
Address of Istanbul Girl’s Tower
The Girl’s Tower is located in the Asian part of the Uskudar area. To get to the tower, go to the Kabatas wharf and then take a boat to the tower.
Turkey, Istanbul, Uskudar region, Salagak neighborhood
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